Saturday, January 28, 2006

Bad Design vs Good Design

The Yahoo website contains a lot of elements and colors. It is saturated of information and this can be confusing for the users. I believe that websites have to be simple to engage the user's attention in seconds. In the other hand, Google has a very clean design, without advertisements. Google's simplicity is one of the keyfactors that attracts so many users.This is another example in which simplicity could make a difference.


Photo Gallery

Media Log

Thursday was a busy day, especially because several of my professors pick up homework on Fridays. Most of my contact with media was through books, and my laptop. But I had time to take a look at some interesting websites, send some mails, and talk with my friends through msn. I chat with some friends who live in Mexico, which reminded me of the huge impact that technology has in our lifes, because several years ago, the only way to talk with friends and family who live in other country was by telephone. certainly, technology makes the world a "global village".

Friday, January 27, 2006

Random Iterations

Thursday, January 19, 2006

